Hong Kong Sha Tin Horse Racing Horse Form

Hong Kong Sha Tin Horse Racing Horse Form Analysis


I have been fascinated with horse racing at Sha Tin in Hong Kong along with Happy Valley horse racing. I have written many UK horse racing systems and I have tested these systems using my own worldwide horse racing form database and bespoke computer code that I have written. I have a computer science degree and I was a freelance IT consultant specialising in relational databases on Unix operating systems and was very competent in ‘C’ – programming and SQl queries..

Why I Am So Interested In Hong Kong Horse Racing

Approximately 2 to 3 years ago I became fascinated with Hong Kong horse racing. Something struck a chord with me. I think it was the international jockeys who rode there and top class horses competing for decent winning prize money.
I remember the early days I would perform a quick glance of the horse form for the Sha Tin and Happy Valley race cards in the racing post and thought I had picked some winners and I would be totally disappointed when I checked the results later that day. I used to get caught out with the time difference with the UK as I was more akin to traveling west. I used to miss the two major horse racing meetings in Hong Kong due to this time difference.

Sha Tin Horse Racing Form

This was the dilemma!

How do I read Sha Tin and Happy Valley horse racing form and where do I start I used to ask myself.

To be honest the prize money for the horse races at Sha Tin and Happy Valley was always the same so I had no class angle on a race. Secondly I would see a horse win a race and then lose 4 or 5 races and then win again at the same track. I checked the winning race times and other horse form data and I still could not see a pattern. 
There seemed to be very little emphasis on draw bias so I asked myself what aspect of horse form do I home in on.

My Quest To Understand Hong Kong Horse Racing Form

This is where my database and coding skills have helped me in finding an approach to reading Hong Kong horse racing form. At the time of writing this article I have made excellent progress on this subject matter. I will keep you posted!