UK Horse Racing Systems Tested


UK Horse Racing Systems Development Life Cycle 

I decided to write this article on UK horse racing systems and how I tested my systems to ensure they produced consistent winning selections and were profitable over a long period of time. So how did I test these UK horse racing systems? I will explain my approach below.

I Built A Bespoke Horse Racing Form Database.

As my background is in computer science and relational databases and computer programming this was relatively straight forward. With this database I could model UK horse racing systems over 1000’s of previously run UK horse races and ensure the UK horse racing systems did what they said on the tin! For each new UK horse racing system a computer program was written to allow me to model the horse racing systems against this horse form database making small changes to horse form predicates in other words horse form conditions. Without this approach it would have been quite difficult to test these models.

How Do You Test A Horse Racing System?

Once I built the bespoke horse form database it was now time for testing the horse racing systems and this proved very frustrating indeed. I started to see patterns and realised that there were a number of facets to developing UK horse racing systems. One horse racing system would not suffice so I had to develop multiple systems to meet differing horse form conditions which were run against my database. I documented these UK horse racing systems in books that I promote on my website.

What Did I Learn From Developing UK Horse Racing Systems?

When developing horse racing system you need to focus on one area of horse racing. A good example of this is all weather racing. Another example is national hunt racing but focus on two mile chases etc.

I specialised in UK handicap races and I love all weather and flat races.
Weight conditions are important as horses can be improving so carrying more weight in their races does not present a problem until they hit a weight ceiling.

You need to put emphasis on class of a race and what class horses have competed in. Factor in unexposed horses as they climb the class ladder and treat them differently from exposed horses.

You need to treat unexposed horses different from exposed horses in your horse racing systems.

My Horse Racing Systems

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